Creeton Hard White

A beautiful pale white limestone in appearance with minimal fossil content, Creeton Hard White will bring a touch of warmth and elegance to your home or project.

Petrographic Description and Mineral Examination

Creeton Hard White limestone is pale cream in colour with some grains exhibiting a slightly darker orange colour. The fabric was dominantly Oolitic with a few broken bioclastic fragments visible. Most constitutes appeared to be micritic and held within a sparite cement.

In thin section the stone is dominated primarily of ooliths up to 2mm wide and peloids. Many were seeded with this comprising a fossil fragment or intraclast, and showed a concentric structure.

Composition was micritic with many showing fine iron grains within their texture. Elongate and broken fragments of bivalve fossils were also noted with these often consisting of fibrous calcite with micritic margins.

A low level of compaction has been observed with finer fragments and ooliths infilling between coarser particles. A coarse sparite cement enclosed all the costituents with only very few open pore spaces remaining. Based on the mineralogy identified the limestone has been given the classification of Oolitic Limestone.

Creeton Banded

BRE Test Data

Open Porosity 19.5 % BY VOL BSEN 1936
Apparent Density 2180 kg/m³ BSEN 1936
Water Absorption [Atmospheric Pressure] 8.2% BSEN 13755
Water Absorption [by Capillarity] 135 g.m-2.s-0.5 BSEN 772-11
Compressive Strenght 22 Mpa BSEN 772-12
Frost Resistance 3 56 Cycles BSEN 12371
Thermal Conductivity [10 dry units] 1.7 W[m.k]-1 BSEN 1745
Specific Heat Capacity 1000 J/[kgK] BSEN 1745:2012

*All comprehensive British and European Standards test data and declaration of performance for CE marking
application are available on request.

Bed height 300mm – 1000mm
Block length Up to 3000mm
Block width Up to 1500mm
Weight Up to 16 tons

Looking for more information about Creeton Hard White?

Contact our sales team today to discuss your project and see how we can help you. All of our contact details can found on the link below.

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